Team 5: w/b 3.10.16

Date: 9th Oct 2016 @ 5:31pm

This week in Team 5 we continued to solidify our knowledge of rounding in Mathematics. It is a tricky concept, particularly when dealing with six-digit numbers, however the children were able to display their reasoning skills within this area. We then moved onto developing our knowledge of Roman Numerals, with particular focus upon reading and writing years (four-digit numbers). The children worked off a newly introduced 'star challenge' system and were all enthusiastic to try their best.

In English we continued with our focus upon Journey Stories: identifying the underlying pattern in our focus text and finding features that could be used to create a toolkit for writing a similar story of our own. The children are now ready to begin the 'innovation' stage of the process, which they are entirely ready to begin due to their excellent grasp of our focus text.

We continued our Science learning about the human life cycle, and all of the children produced a fantastic information leaflet containing facts about the key developmental changes that occur between each stage. They considered both physical changes and levels of independence/dependence. We also completed some mathematics work linked to time and the human life cycle.

The children are also continuing to progress with their music and PE learning, with which they are coming on in leaps and bounds each week.

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend, ready for returning to school on Monday.


Miss Martin