Team 5 w/b 5.3.18

Date: 9th Mar 2018 @ 3:00pm

This week, we’ve had a Wallace and Gromit-inspired week in Team 5!  We watched the ‘Cracking Contraptions’ video to link with our Science topic of forces and simple machines, then chose one of the machines to innovate as part of our shared writing.  Most of us chose the Shopper 13! 

We’ve also invented a whole Space Dance from scratch with Jenny, the dance club teacher.  We practised moving slowly in zero g, then made tableaux ranging from an astronaut emerging from a spaceship, to a rising sun.  We can’t wait to show it off next week in our assembly!  

One of our DEAR sessions got off to a great start when a huge bundle of Tintin books arrived from the library.  For Mouse Mania, we decorated our own biscuits.  Mr Thomas and Miss Morris were amazed and horrified in equal measure by what they saw! 

Next week’s Mouse Mania is playing in the woodlands area.   

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mr Thomas, Miss Morris and Team 5