Team 5: w/b 9.11.15
Date: 13th Nov 2015 @ 8:56pm
Our learning this week has been filled with challenges!
In mathematics, we have been solidifying our knowledge of multiplication methods: this week we learned the method of long multiplication. It is useful for the children to be aware of different methods for solving the same mathematical problem, and by the end of the week all of the children were able to identify the method that suited them best.
In English, we began the imitation stage of our fantasy fiction unit, for the book Moon Dog by Helen Ward. It is truly amazing how quickly the children can learn a whole text off by heart with the help of a story map and actions, and as ever they were full of dedication and enthusiasm.
In our afternoons we focused upon the computer program 'Scratch', which was thoroughly engaging and developed skills and knowledge around algorithms and programming. It is free to download online if the children are interested in practising their skills at home!
We also gave out the main parts for our christmas production. All of the children who auditioned were fantastic and so it was a difficult decision! Although not everyone was able to have a main part, they maintained their efforts during singing practise, which was a pleasure to listen to.
To end the week, we raised money for World Diabetes Day and BBC Children in Need by coming to school wearing our onesies. It was an enjoyable (and comfortable!) day.
Have a great weekend, and see you all next week.
Miss Martin