Team 5 WB 9.10.23
Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 3:56pm
Team 5 started the week with the next part of our exciting class novel, Cogheart. This story seems to get more exciting every time we read it and it is lovely to hear that a few of the children have been inspired to read this at home too!
In geography, we have learned so much about the continent of North America and we wanted to find a good way to showcase our knowledge. The children got into groups and we started to plan our very own movies! Each group are going to prepare a movie for a special movie night – I will confirm the details for this soon.
In English, we have been working on our spellings of key words in every lesson. We then try to apply these spellings in our writing that day.
In maths we have been learning about addition of numbers up to 1,000,000 and next week we will be exploring subtraction.
Have a lovely weekend everybody.
Team 5