Team 5 wb11.10.21
Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 5:05pm
Well, this has been an unusual week!!
For the children who have been able to come into school, we would like to say a huge thank you for continuing to keep smiling and working so hard. Your positive attitudes have really kept Mrs Hughes going! Among other things we have continued our non-chronological reports, practised times tables, played tennis, worked on reading skills and enjoyed lots of circle times.
Sadly, Miss Foster, Mr F and Miss Morris have had to isolate but they have been keeping an eye on SEESAW for anyone who has been able to access that. I know Miss Foster has loved seeing the work that has been coming in and the videos have really made her smile.
We do hope that anyone who has been unwell recovers quickly. Next week may still be a little quiet but we are really looking forward to being back together as a class as soon as possible.
Take care everyone!
Mrs Hughes and Miss Foster