Team 6 - 13.01.20
Date: 19th Jan 2020 @ 2:30pm
It's been a very busy week in Team 6, with lots of learning going on.
We continued with our Geography learning about climate zones, eco-systems and biomes this week. We worked in groups focusing on a specific biome of Europe. Groups had to research the types of plants an animals found in this biome and they presented their facts with illustrations on huge pieces of card. Ask your child to recall what they learnt about climate zones and biomes!
In English, we have continued with our unit 'Can we save the tigers?' This week we have been focusing on recapping modal verbs and unpicking the features of a report to begin to support us to write our own later in the unit.
In Maths, we are still grappling away with our fraction unit. This week, we mainly concentrated on problem solving and looked at strategies to help solve more complex multi-step problems as we were finding these quite challenging.
This week our Reading sessions were based on the theme 'strangers'. Throughout the week we read and developed our reading skills using an article about migrants, a reverse poem about refugees and the picture book 'Black Dog'. Our No Outsiders lesson this week also has the theme of strangers as we discussed the words racism and prejudice. As always, the children articulated themselves very well and showed empathy, understanding and acceptance towards people of different faiths, cultures and race.
Our week ended with a trip to the Maritime Museum. There are so many things to do here that we didn't get time to explore everything fully so if you are planning a trip to Liverpool Docks it is definitely worth a visit. The best part of the trip was our 'Animals in danger' workshop held by the museum staff. We got to become curators and investigate different sized items made from endangered animals. It was a thought-provoking session that was thoroughly enjoyable.
I hope that you all have a restful weekend and I will see you on Monday.
Mrs J