Team 6 - 24.2.20
Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 6:11pm
Our first week back after half term was a busy one! We are preparing children for their upcoming SATs tests and some revision/booster sessions have started. Thanks to all of you who attended the SATs meeting this week. Information was shared about the preparation of SATs and about support that you can do at home. We know that our homework focus is reading this year and Team 6 are trying hard to read regularly at home. Listening to an adult read has a huge impact on their development across the curriculum. If you're after some ideas to read at home, please ask. Our homework on our website does suggest some books that link to our current topic and the staff at Helsby Library are also great!
We published our tiger reports this week which are up on display outside the Team 6 classroom with some of our art work that we have been doing throughout the Spring Term. You are welcome to pop in and have a look at some of our displayed work!
Mrs Jobber