Team 6 - wb 28.9.20
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 3:01pm
This week in Team 6, we have been very busy!
Recently, we have been doing some assesments for maths and reading. We've also been writing a diary entry about the Stormzy Scholarship, which we planned out before we wrote it and evaluated our writing using our success criteria.
On Thursday, we had a skipping workshop, where we learnt how to do skipping tricks. As well as that, we have been practising our art skills for our portraits that we are working up to.
A highlight this week was listening to our new song that we made with Amasing that was sent back to us, but we have not practised the rest of it yet. We're very excited to though!
This week has been incredible! We hope it'll be like that the next week, filled with fun and lots of learning!
From The blog team