Team 6 2.12.19
Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 2:54pm
In Team 6 this week we have travelled through our minds to find the perseverance to make our work possible.
During Maths, we have completely finished BODMAS and now have began to work on fractions. We have gone over some things and now are learning new things.
In English, this week we have done many productive things. Such as two Christmas poems, one kenning about Santa and we have also done a none ryming poem about the WW1 Christmas Truse. Later in the week we did a diary entry as Lady Litton a rich woman who was treated differently to other suffragettes so she changed her apperance and identity.
During Science, we have tried to create mould on bread as an experiment, by changing different variables. We are going to leave them for a week and see who made nthe mouldiest bread. #staytuned
In art this week, we have finished our Christmas book cover. After that we went on the internet and copied a step by step tutorial on how to draw Father Christmases face.
This week in Religous Education, we learnt about Muslim festivals and holidays. Then we wrote about our own traditions.
Have a fabulous weekend,
The Blog Ladies