Team 6 Wb 12.2.18
Date: 19th Feb 2018 @ 4:15pm
Team 6 really enjoyed our focus on different areas of the curriculum this week. These included computing- using the Lego equipment to design and test algorithms, as well as creating PowerPoints about Chinese New Year.
We also took part in some exciting and rewarding workshops this week. On Wednesday we had the opportunity to take part in our whole-school art project- willow weaving, helping to create our school sculptures to be displayed in Helsby Library.
On Wednesday afternoon we were really lucky to be visited by poet Mandy Coe, as part of the Weaver Words Literary festival. Team 6 made us incredibly proud as they took part with enthusiasm and, with Mandy's support, created some fab poems to enter into the competition.
Well done Team 6 for a great week (and half term!)
Have a lovely break everyone!
Mrs Holbrook :)