Team 6 Wb 16.10.17
Date: 23rd Oct 2017 @ 7:36am
Team 6 began the week by making us proud once again when they acted a guides at our second open morning. They were positive, articulate and their enthusiasm for their school really shone through! Well done Team 6!
We enjoyed listening to everyone's harvest contributions on Monday afternoon. In Team 6 we had focused on the role of the Food Bank and how they help people. We discussed different reasons why people might need to use the foodbank, even for a very short time, and we found that we could empathise with and relate to some of these experiences a little more easily than we originally thought. Team 6 really impressed me with their maturity and the level of discussion they had.
As the week went on we focused on out addition and subtraction skills in maths and innovating our own suspense stories in English. The attitude to learning was excellent, and we are looking forward to our final week before half term.
Well done Team 6!
Mrs Holbrook :)