Team 6: wb 16.12.24
Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 2:43pm
We are back again to write another blog.
This week, in Maths, we have been carrying on with our decimal work and have learned how to multiply decimals.
In art, we were looking at a scientist (Charles Darwin) who explained his evolution with drawings. They had to be very realistic!!! We completed our introduction pages to our drawing unit, that we will continue after the holidays.
In P.E. this week, we did the bleep test. The bleep test is where you go into a hall, a beep starts, you have to run from one end of the hall and finish at the other before the beep continues. It was really tough!!
Over the week there have been many exciting Christmas treats such as class parties, musical performances and our chocolate nativity story. It has been so much fun!!
Today in big cheese assembly, Mrs Wyatt anounced the winners of the hamper. Then we got ot go around school and look at the other class' Christmas books. We all thought that they were incredible and so much work had gone into them all. We really hope you enjoy looking at ours.
This afternoon, we enjoyed the KS2 reading assembly with Mrs Jobber who read 'Twas the night before Christmas' and had lots of children acting parts out. Then to finish the day, we had our secret santa and watched a Christmas film (The Nativity).
We have had such a busy term and are all ready to enjoy the Christmas holidays with our families.
Merry Christmas everyone, S & S.