Team 6 wb: 20.1.25
Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 4:06pm
To begin this week, we had Art and started our final drawing piece: drawing bugs! We let our mind run wild ึดเป๐ทอึ๐หห๐°๐ห We have been looking at Charles Darwin's theories of evolution and creating our adapted insects.
In Maths this week we have been finding fractions of amounts, and reviewing all our fraction and decimal learning. On Friday, we started our next unit: measurements.
This week, we had an interesting geography lesson learning about the the South American countries. We used a game to learn the countries and had competitions of who could locate them in the fastest time. Well done to TW who completed it in 19 seconds!! We then had to place the American countries and their capital cities on a map of South America.
In class, we are currently reading Wonder, and are at the part where one of the other characters, Summer, tells us about Auggie. We are using the book to discuss how we would respond in similar situations.
Have a lovely weekend everyone,
From the blog team S&S