Team 6 Wb 21.5.18
Date: 25th May 2018 @ 7:48pm
This week Team 6 have been planning their Pound for Profit endeavors for after half term. We have used our speaking and listening, cooperation and writing skills to make our plans and advertise our stalls. We are looking forward to starting our Pound for Profit week when we come back after half term!
In PE, we put our fielding skills into action when playing rounders and in science we have started learning about evolution and inheritance.
Team 6 had a great time at the park this morning with their Reception buddies (despite the rain) as their end of half term treat! For our Mouse Mania on Friday 8th June, we have chosen freetime and electronics.
Well done Team 6, for a fantastic half term. I am really proud of you all,
Have a great half term break- you've earnt it!
Mrs Holbrook :)