Team 6 Wb 27.11.17
Date: 2nd Dec 2017 @ 6:01pm
Team 6 have been very busy this week rehearsing for our Christmas production - our very last one at Horn's Mill! We are really looking forward to showing you what we have been working on this week!
In maths we have been working on multiplication. We have been practising our times tables and we have started looking at written methods for multiplying too. We have been multiplying 3, 4 and 5 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. We have worked really hard to make our work as accurate as possible.
In PE we started gymnastics with Mr Horabin this week, and in science we focused on writing up and presenting the results from our inviestugations about the effect of exercise on our pulse rates.
On Friday, we have a visit from Child Line, who talked to us about some really important issues. Mrs Holbrook was really proud with the way we contributed to and took part in the workshop, and the mature discussions we had!
Have a great weekend everyone,
Team 6 bloggers & Mrs Holbrook :)