Team 6 Wb 29.1.18
Date: 2nd Feb 2018 @ 4:42pm
This week has been another busy week in Team 6!
In maths, we have started working on fractions, simplifying them and changing improper fractions to mixed numbers. In English, we have been continuing with our work on Queen of the Falls, writing from Annie Taylor's point of view.
In science we completed a light investigation and in RE we have finished our learning about the Five Pillars of Islam.
We started the week in a really lovely way, by going to Helsby Library with our buddies. We really enjoyed this time spent reading with the reception children and Team 6 behaved fantastically. I was really proud of them.
We finished Friday off with a 'chocolate party' in Mouse Mania and next week we have chosen to play dodgeball.
Well done Team 6- see you on Monday.
Mrs Holbrook :)