Team 6 - wb 29.4.24

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 7:29pm

Welcome to the blog for this week.

We’ve been very busy in our maths learning and have been looking at started algebra and average across the week. We learned what the term 'mean' meant and how to work this out. 

On Monday in Art, we did our evaluations for our clay coral pieces and then planted potatoes in the polytunnel. We are excited to bring our coral pieces home for you to see. 

On Wednesday, we watched Team 5 perform all different dances on the maypole. They were very good!

This week, we have also been recapping SPAG learning and looking at word classes during our English lessons.

On Thursday we had a party as Miss Edwards, our student teacher, left. We will really miss her!

Finally, today we finished our class book, Wonder, and started watching the film during Mouse Mania. We have really enjoyed the book and had a debate when we finished it to discuss what morals the book can teach us.

We are all looking forward to a long weekend!

From your T6 blog team :-)