Team 6 Wb 4.12.17
Date: 10th Dec 2017 @ 7:37pm
Well what a busy but rewarding week we had in Team 6 this week! We were really excited about performing our Christmas production for you all and we were really pleased with how it went! The children really pulled together and worked as a team to make it the best it could be. I was very proud of them during all of the performances.
We have also been working really hard on our learning this week. We have been grappling with long multiplication in maths and in English, we have been innovating our own newspaper reports based on Zootropolis, after our recent cinema visit.
We had a great Pizza party on Friday for Mouse Mania and we have chosen to do some sports in the hall next Friday.
Well done Team 6. See you all on Monday for another week. It's time to get on with our Christmas books! Where is the time going?
Mrs Holbrook :)