Team 6 Wb 7.11.17
Date: 11th Nov 2017 @ 5:45pm
Team 6 had a great first week back after half term! We have been working really hard to prepare for our class assembly which we will be performing on Thursday 16th November at 9:15. We hope lots of you will be able to join us! We have really worked well as a team and we look forward to sharing our learning with you!
In maths we have been continuing with addition and subtraction, focusing on our reasoning skills. In particular, we have been learning to answer 'Sometimes, always or never' questions. In English and history we have been using our suspense writing skills to write about the Blitz and in reading and history we have been comparing two different texts about Anne Frank.
Well done Team 6 for a great week!
See you on Monday!
Mrs Holbrook :)