Team 6 - wb 7.3.22
Date: 12th Mar 2022 @ 6:33pm
Hello everyone we hope a good week. Here are all the fun things we have been doing in Team 6 this week. Let’s get started!
In English, we have been publishing our tiger reports and they’re BRILLANT! Today, we have taken a SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) test to get ready for SATS.
In Maths, we have started learning about converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.
In Reading, we’ve been looking at texts based off our class book “Wonder” and Polly Ho-Yen our new spotlight author. Her books are sci-fi and we really enjoyed looking at some of her different books this week.
In Geography, we have been learning about the UK and showing how it looks by sketching a map of the UK without an atlas. We then made ut more accurate by using an atlas. After that, we went into the hall and made a human outline of the UK.
In PE, Mandy from FAVSP came and taught us some team games to teach key stage 1 (year reception-2).
Finally, we finished the week with Mouse Mania and got to see the chicks in Reception. They are so CUTE!!!
We hope you liked the blog. Have a great weekend.
From Hannah and Nevaeh.