Team 6 Wb 8.1.18
Date: 14th Jan 2018 @ 6:50pm
What a great start Team 6 have made to the spring term. I was so impressed with the postive attitude they have shown and how they came back to school ready to learn.
In English we started on our new text 'Queen of the Falls' about Annie Edison Taylor- the first person to go over Niagra Falls in a barrel. The children had the opportunity to practise their prediction skills as the book and person were introduced bit by bit this week!
In maths we have been working on using short division to divde by one-digit and two-digit numbers. The children really persevered and made excelllent progress with this this week.
In science we planned and carried out a fair test, and in RE, we started learning about the Five Pillars of Islam.
Well done Team 6, for a fantastic week. See you all on Monday!
Mrs Holbrook :)