Team 6 Wk 13.2.16
Date: 20th Feb 2017 @ 5:44pm
This week we have been writing our sequels to 'The Man who Walked Between the Towers'. I have been really impressed with the commitment Team 6 have shown to making these excellent pieces of writing. They have thought carefully about the writer's tools they have chosen to use and the effect these have on the reader. There has been some excellent editing and improving too!
In maths we have muliplied and divided fractions as well as completing some problem solving questions in various topics. In science, we finished our work on light and started to see what we remembered about electricity, in preparation for our next topic.
On Thursday Mrs Hughes took 4 children to Helsby High to take part in a maths competition. She was really proud of their attitude and determination they showed when faced with some pretty tricky maths! It was a busy day in Team 6 that day as several children were also involved in a basketball competition, where they represented our school superbly.
Once again, I was really impressed by the standard of Home Learning in our class on Friday as well as the interest shown in other's home learning and the thoughtful questions asked.
Well done Team 6- have a wonderful half term!
Mrs Holbrook