Tema 3: 5.7.19

Date: 7th Jul 2019 @ 11:47am

This week we started by putting our road safety learning into action! We went out in small groups for a walk aorund our local area and practised crssing different types of roads using STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK. 

We have also learned more about the bones in the body and how our muscles work. Did youknow we have voluntary muscles like our biceps and involuntary muscles like our heart?

In maths, we have completed our work on shape and have moved onto our new topic of time. We learned a rhyme for rememering how many days are in each month and why we have leap years. 

In English, we have been writing our best piece of writing yet- our retelling of the book Journey. We have been putting all our Team 3 learning into practise ready to show them off to Mr Oldfield!

On Tuesday, we learned about seasonallity and where our food comes from. We used our learning to plan a healthy, seasonal pizza which we will be making on Wednesay afternoon next week. Please remember to bring you toppings :)

Have a lovely weekend, 


Miss Delaney