WB 12.12.22 - Team 3
Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 3:32pm
HO HO HO! We have finally made it to the end of the first term and what a term it has been. We have all worked so hard that it is time for a well-deserved break.
In case your children haven't told you what they have been up to this week, here goes...
On Monday, we had a chocolate nativity. This is where Mrs Wyatt reads the Nativity Story and slips in words that are the names of popular chocolate bars. When we hear the name, we put our hands up as fast as we can and staff throw chocolates at us to catch. It was brilliant! During the same assembly our musicians also put on a performance for us to enjoy.
On Tuesday, it was our Christmas Market day. We sold hot chocolate, candy canes, hot dogs, marshmallow snowmen and decorations to name but a few. We were a bit nervous about the whole school coming (and of course our families) but felt so proud of what we achieved.
On Wednesday, we had a special visitor whist we were working. Sleigh bells were heard and we wondered what was going on. To our surprise we saw Santa and were so excited. He gave us each a chocolate lollipop before he left. After that, we had a delicious Christmas dinner and then enjoyed a class party.
On Thursday, we were so lucky to have Dee Banks School come in to sing to us in the hall. We loved watching them perform and they said that we were an excellent audience.
Finally today, we have enjoyed a special assembly this morning before we toured the school to look at the beautiful books that everyone has made. We have enjoyed doing nice things in our class in the afternoon. Sadly we say goodbye to Rawaan today, who is moving house and starting her new school. We wish her and her family all the best.
Have a very merry Christmas and a restful break.
See you on Wednesday 4th January.
Love Team 3