WB 17.10.22 - Team 3
Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 3:10pm
We have finished the first half term of the new school year and what a great start we have made. The children have been talking enthusiastically about their learning - long may that continue!
In English, we have finished our book 'Seal Surfer' by Michael Foreman. It is a story about a boy and his grandfather, who watch as a baby seal is born on the rocks near their home. From that day onwards, a special friendship is created between them. The friendship brings happiness and meaning at the important stages of the boy's life. The story is told through the different seasons and has given the children the opportunity to reflect upon how the boy grows. Today, we wrote a letter to the author, telling him our thoughts about the story, our favourite part or events and posed a few questions to him.
In Maths, we have continued to focus on addition, in particular using the column method where renaming of tens or hundreds take place (ask them to show you!). We have had some time this afternoon on TT Rockstars because there is a competition between Team 3 and Team 4 and at the moment, Team 4 are winning and we can't have that!
In Geography, the children have been learning all about the mountainous areas of the UK and have even plotted these on blank maps.
We have been learning about Hinduism in RE and as a school, we learnt all about Diwali on our Hinduism Day on Thursday. We have put some photos on Twitter and your child has designed and made their very own Diwali Card, which they are bringing home to give to their chosen person tonight. They worked very hard on their designs and I am sure they will enjoy talking to you about them, in addition to telling you all about the other Diwali facts they have learnt.
Have a wonderful half-term break. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Tues 1st November.
Team 3