WB 21.11.22 - Team 3
Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 8:27pm
Another fabulous week in Team 3 almost complete and we are creeping towards the end of the term. It's certainly feeling wintery outside now so please make sure that your children come in with a coat for playtimes as we try and get outside as much as possible. Our current book - 'Winter's Child' has shown us the fun and frolicks that winter can bring, but the dangers of winter continuing too long. Our writing at the end of the week is a letter to ask Winter's Child to leave and make way for the spring. We will use subordinating conjunctions to explain and support our reasons.
In Maths, we have continued to perfect our skills at using column subtraction with renaming (using 3 digit numbers). It is wonderful to see the children becoming more confident with this method and dare I say it, many are really enjoying it!! Well done on times tables test progress each week. It is a rush on a Friday afternoon to administer them, mark them and get them back to the children for hometime so you won't usually see a comment on the bottom of them other than the times tables that they will be tested on the following week. This may be the same as the one they are presently working on, or it will be the next one on the list if they achieve 27 or above. We send them home just so you can see how they are getting on and in case they wish to practise further.
We received wonderful feedback about those children who participated in the scooter skills training on Wednesday. It always makes us proud to hear such nice things. We know they are fab but it is brilliant when other people notice it also. Thank you in advance for your hampers donations tomorrow (I am writing this late Thursday night!). Your support really means a lot to the school.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Team 3