Team 3 Wb 24.5.21
Date: 29th May 2021 @ 8:47pm
What a busy final week we have had in Team 3!
In our English learning, we finished creating our own stories based upon ‘Winter’s Child’. Once we had finished creating them, we then learnt how to proof read them and identify spelling mistakes, missed punctuation and adding ideas to improve coherency.
In our SPaG learning, we recapped our previous learning so that skills were embedded. At home you can support this learning by practising the following spellings:
In our math’s learning, we continued exploring fractions focussing on tenths. We learnt different strategies to find tenths and linked this to our times table learning. As the week progressed, once we were confident identifying tenths of amounts we then moved onto problem solving answering a range of questions.
In our afternoon learning, we created traps similar to those made by the Stone Age people, had a fire and also completed our final PE session with the FAVSP developing our cricket skills.
Have a fantastic half term Team 3!
Mr Lawrie