Wb 27.2.23 Team 4
Date: 5th Mar 2023 @ 8:26am
What a busy week we have had in T4!
In our maths learning this week, we finished our learning about multiplication and division. We learn how to divide three digit numbers by a single digit number using the formal bus stop method. We then applied this learning to a range of weird problems.
In our English learning this week, we learnt all about the Roman Empire and how their army conquered many different lands throughout Europe. We then explored the Roman invasion of Britain and looked at the impact they left on our society. As part of our writing focus this week, we then created a diary entry written from the perspective of a Celt, seeing the Romans for the first time
In our PE learning, we started a new unit focusing upon gymnastic skills and creating bridges with different body movements. In our French learning, we learnt the different days of the weeks and how to pronounce them and finally in our our art learning, we continued developing our drawing skills with Mrs Carroe.
Have a lovely weekend Team 4, see you on Monday!
Mr Lawrie