WB 27th Jan - Team 1

Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 3:58pm

Happy Friday!
Another busy week of learning in Team 1 so the children should be tired out tonight.
In English, we have continued our focus on suffixes and this week we have been learning how adding 'er' and 'est' to root words can alter their meaning a little. We used these suffixes to compare objects such as the height of children or adults e.g. Mrs Hulse is smaller than Mrs Coman- Jones. Mrs Coman-Jones is the tallest. We then applied this into our writing to show how clever we are.
In Maths, we had fun measuring with objects and body parts before moving onto consolidating our learning since September. Please continue to access Numbots at home to support further. Your child should have a log in in their reading record. Any problems, speak to a member of Team 1.
In history, we thought about how shopping has changed since the 1930's. Lots of people noticed how much smaller the shops were in the past. 
In Science, we were classifying a number of animals. We talked about the characteristics of different species e.g. mammals having fur, insects having six legs. We even made actions to help us remember. 
In Design and Technology this week, the children independently learnt how to read a recipe for an egg sandwich and then create it. The children went on an adventure with their sandwiches and their travels took them to London. In London, they saw the main sites whilst picnicing on their sandwiches. 
Lots of other learning has taken place - too much to mention.
Have a great weekend.
Team 1