Team 3 Wb: 6.12.21
Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 2:41pm
What a magnificent week! I have never been so proud of our amazing class! The teamwork, creativity and Christmas spirit has been so overwhelming this week.
We have been working very hard to complete our end of unit writing in English as well as our writing for our Christmas books. We have really tried to show off all our skills from this term.
In maths, we have continued to work on formal written methods for addition and subtraction, linking our learning to concrete resources at each stage.
Our Christmas markets this week were such a success! The children enjoyed them so much and were so proud to show off all their hard work to their friends and families. Singing in four different languages was not an easy task but everyone put in so much enthusiasm and effort. What a brilliant atmosphere all around!
We can’t wait for even more Christmas fun next week!
Have a great weekend!
Miss Delaney