Team 2 WB: 8.11.21
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 9:37pm
In Team 2 this week we have started our new writing unit in English. For this half term we will be basing our English lessons on ‘The owl who is afraid of the dark,’ we kicked started our writing unit looking at expanded noun phrases. Throughout the week we have been creating different noun phrases looking at dragons, Pegasus’ and owls. I have to say I am very impressed with the expanded noun phrases the children have thought of! In maths this week we have continued to look at shapes. We have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes making different patterns as well as counting faces and edges on 3D shapes. For art this week the children started to construct their goggles using a ruler to measure the layout and paint their goggles. During our afternoon learning this week, we have practiced our spellings by completing ‘best bets’ and spelling bingo’s looking out for golden words. The children’s enthusiasm during this is really nice to see! For PE this afternoon we continued to practice our netball skills and we even managed to play a game of netball!! For computing this week, we built on understanding of stranger danger as well as looking e-safety. As well as our learning for this week we also joined Team 1 several times to start our rehearsals for our Christmas nativity!! To finish off our week we celebrated with another mouse mania out on the field in our own clothes.