Team 2 WB: 9.5.22
Date: 13th May 2022 @ 4:21pm
A fun filled week of laughter, smiles and sunshine. This week in Team 2 we have been working so hard this week on consolidating all of our learning so far and pushing our knowledge further.
In math’s this week we have been learning how to divide in divisions of 5s and 10s. Once I had taught the foundation of how to divide, Team 2 have whizzed through the unit. They have adopted the approaches so well. In English this week, we have been focusing on creating a leaflet to advertise how to take care of pet dragons. Again, the children have really applied all the taught skills that we have been working on really well.
On Tuesday, we had our Art session with Mrs Caroe, we have been looking at a new artist this week and their inspiring art work. For PE this week, we enjoyed the sunshine and went outside to play a round of dodge ball. Last week, we looked at developing our skills so we are able to move our bodies through dodging. So, this week we decided to put it to the test and apply it into a game of dodge ball.
Not only did we have one, but this week we celebrated two big cheeses’, so well done to SB and AW. Finally, we have finished our week on another sunny Friday as we enjoyed playing in our own clothes on the field with our friends
I’ll be seeing some of you later on for our school sleep over, if not I will see the rest of you on Monday!!