Team 2 wb.9.11.20
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 3:52pm
This week Team 2 have had fantastic fun with our new book ‘Troll swap’ and new class read ‘Trolls Go Home’. We have really enjoyed describing the troll in the story and creating our very own trolls to describe too! We have been recapping our use of and as well as focussing on including noun phrases to add detail to our work.
In maths we have been working hard on our fluency of number bonds to 10. We have looked at why the numbers in an addition will give the same answer even if they are swapped around, how subtraction facts are linked to addition facts and also on how to solve missing number problems depending on where the missing number is and what type of calculation we have,
We had lots of fun with giving compass directions this week and looked at lots of different types of maps in geography. From looking at the maps, we learned that maps have symbols and a key to show what the symbols all mean. We are building up our mapping skills so that we can go on a hunt for the troll!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Miss Delaney