WC 14th February 22 - Team 3
Date: 18th Feb 2022 @ 1:33pm
Wow! We have made it to the end of the first half term of 2022 and what a busy one it has been. In English, we finished the book 'The Winter's Child' by Angela McAllister. We loved both the story and the illustrations (they really are beautiful). We used this fantasy story as inspiration to write our very own wintery stories. We showed off our new English skills and our teachers were impressed with our hard work.
In maths, we have been focussing hard on improving our multiplication knowledge and linking this with division. We have learnt how we can use related facts to help us calculate answers to bigger number problems and have looked at scaling. To help even further, we need to be practising times tables at home so we are secure. TT Rockstars is a great way to help.
We finished learning about Judaism this week and in particular focused on the Synagogue, what is in a Synagogue and why these are important to Jews. We also looked at Shabbat and how that can be celebrated at home and in the Synagogue.
Have a wonderful half term, get plenty of rest and enjoy some family time together.
Love from,
Team 3