Team 3 wb 15.11.21
Date: 21st Nov 2021 @ 11:17am
Well what a great week we have had! We loved making and trying out our ethical insect traps this week. We found out that there were lots of lady birds on the field and they really loved leaves! We can now use this information collected to help us make insect hotels to help insects over winter.
In English, we have been using a range of conjunctions this week and some of us have been learning about prepositions of time and place to add detail to our writing. Our maths focus this week has been problem solving using our new 'testing' strategy as well as consolidation of our mental strategies for adding 1s and 10s to 3 digit numbers.
In reading, our focus this week was keeping healthy- we enjoyed reading about how to keep healthy and how our bones recover after a break. We focused on alternative pronunciations which was very useful for all the long scientific words. This is where we sound out a word but then need to 'tweak' it or try another way of sounding it out until we get the correct word that makes sense.
In DT we completed our Christmas decorations which will be getting sent home nearer to Christmas. Everyone showed great kindness, friendship and resilience in our lesson as sewing was definitely a bit of a challenge! We really enjoyed practising our new skills and can't wait to take our work home!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Miss Delaney