Team 2 wb 17th May

Date: 23rd May 2021 @ 11:21am

This week we have been really enjoying learning more about the Victorians. We have created a timeline in our classroom so that we can link our reading of the class book to different events that were happening in history. We also really enjoyed learning more about Victorian toys and getting the chance to play with some of them. Who knew marbles were so much fun?

In English we have continued to follow the story of Major Glad, Major Dizzy and learned about conjunctions and questions. We wrote brilliant descriptions of Victorian toys applying our knowledge of expanded noun phrases. 

In maths we have learned the 5 times table before applying our knowledge of the 2,5 and 10 times tables to word questions and other problems. If you would like to keep up practise at home, why not try

We were also very excited this week to find that our nasturtium seeds have started to germinate! We can't wait for them to flower! Did you know that you can eat nasturtium flowers? 


Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Delaney