Team 3 Wb 21st March 22

Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 10:13am


Well the sun shining has certainly helped to make this week a fabulous one. On Tuesday, the children (and adults) had an amazing time on the T3 school trip. It was brilliant to watch the children learning outdoors and really immersing themselves in bug hunting, den making and clay sculpting activities. Their faces were a picture of happiness all day and they represented the school brilliantly. We hope that the children came home enthusiastic about their day out.

The week has also finished on a high as we have been very lucky to enjoy a music roadshow this morning. The music was just incredible, the instruments were varied and performances were uplifting and fun. There was much laughing, cheering and clapping in the hall (lots of toe tapping from the adults!). Maybe it has inspired some of our children to learn an instrument? 

Elsewhere we continue to learn about the Stone Age in topic lesson, we are still reading 'Stone Age Boy' in English and have looked in particular at the use of contractions and where to correctly place the apostrophe. In Maths, we have been learning about statistics and have used tally charts, pictograms and bar charts. We continue to put a plea out for children to practise times tables/division facts by using TT Rockstars.

Have a great weekend and happy Mother's Day to all those special Mums and Nans reading this. 

Team 3