Week 15 - 19.12.18
Date: 8th Feb 2019 @ 2:28pm
A great way to end my first term with Team 2, I am delighted with the children this term and it really has been an absolute pleasure coming to work every day seeing their wonderful smiles.
The highlight of the week this week has to be sharing our school home learning with each other. We thought that was ace! I am particularly impressed with how much effort the children in Team 2 put into their homework.
Even though it has been a fun exciting week we have still worked very hard and done lots of great learning. To start we re-capped our fact families and how we can swap them round to make other calculations that give us the same answer. In English the children have consolidated the use of because to give reasons to their points in sentences which had made a very interesting read indeed.
I hope you have a fabulous Christmas period and have time to have a rest! I would like to thank all of you for being so generous with your Christmas gifts I have been spoilt and really appreciate it.
Have a fabulous Christmas!
Mr Oldfield