Week 19 - 25.01.18

Date: 18th Feb 2019 @ 10:40am

What a great team spirit by the Team 2 children this week! I have been off a lot of this week feeling very poorly and the children have literally been amazing and worked very hard.  

In Maths the children have started to look at coins which carries on from the work they did in Year 1. First, they labelled each coin’s value and then looked at how they could use a wide variety of coins to make the same amount. Furthermore, this was also a good opportunity to consolidate the children’s comparing skills. The children were challenged to compare between different amounts using the less than, more than and equal to symbols. Very happy to report they all did a splendid job well done!

In English, we have been applying our adjective and adverb knowledge into different parts of our writing. In particular, this week we have been exploring fireworks and describing how we look, feel and hear when interacting with them. The children continue to build sentences and then apply them into short narratives really well. In our SPaG sessions we have been looking at the spellings of our common exception words. These are non-negotiable words that the children are expected to be able to spell at the end of Year 2. As they go through each year group another set of words get added in. These are also the words that get sent home with the home learning challenges and is vital that the children practise them as much as possible.


Thank you for been awesome Team 2!


Mr Oldfield.