Week 20 - 01.02.19
Date: 18th Feb 2019 @ 10:51am
What a great week! The children have worked super hard again this week. They had a super time during PE working with Rachel on the dance and gymnastics parts of the curriculum.
In English, we have been creating fact files all about owls. The children have found this fascinating and it was brilliant to see how much the children knew from completing their own home learning challenge of creating a fact file about owls and bringing that knowledge into their school work, well done Team 2!
In maths this week we have been exploring adding three numbers together. First we started with lots of equipment and had a hands on practical lesson then we took the resources away in the next to see how much the children apply their knowledge when challenged. A particular useful model here was the part whole model. The children feel really comfortable using this model which allowed them to explore with the actual calculation of adding three numbers together.
In SPaG, we have been applying our common exception words into sentences and the children are doing fab, please keep up practising these at home as much as possible.
Many Thanks and see you Monday Team 2 !
Mr Oldfield.