Week 21 - 08.02.19
Date: 28th Feb 2019 @ 1:32pm
What a great week Team 2!
This week in maths we have started our multiplication strand and the children thoroughly enjoyed learning the different meanings of multiplying with groups of, lots of and times. We have started with multiplying by 2 and over the next few weeks we will look at multiplying in 5s and 10s too. Furthermore, we continued to develop our knowledge and skill of using arrays.
In English, we have been learning all about conjunctions and how we can use a conjunction to join two separate sentences together. We started with the conjunction ‘and’ by the end of the week we had also started to use ‘but’ too. Next week we will add the conjunction of ‘or’ and then apply them all into our writing.
In SPaG we have been learning to order and spell the months of the year.
Have a brilliant and safe weekend and I will see you all on Monday!
Mr Oldfield