Week 23 - 1.3.19
Date: 6th Mar 2019 @ 11:43am
What a great geography themed week we have had!
We started the week with building our knowledge of compasses, how they work and why we may need them. We then completed the school’s new orienteering course which the children really enjoyed. This allowed the children to develop their map reading skills and immediately put their skills into practise. I think our visit to the park just edges it for the best activity this week though. This was a great opportunity for the children to engage with real life observational drawing and then link this to creating a map of the park. We also had a little play on the park which as I am sure you can imagine went down a treat.
Whilst in school we have continued through our maths unit working on multiplication of 2s, 5s and 10s. Please feel free to keep practising these with your child. As the Easter holidays approach us we will be practising test based questions and learning the strategies needed to answering these questions correctly. Some children have already started this and I am very impressed.
We continue to have Rachel our dance tutor running our PE sessions on a Thursday afternoon, please ensure your child has got their PE kit in school.
Parents evening letters will go out next week ready for parents evening on Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th March. I look forward to seeing you all then.
Have a fab weekend!
Mr Oldfield