Week 24 - 08.03.19
Date: 8th Mar 2019 @ 10:09am
This week has been wonderful!
In English, we have finished our book The owl who was afraid of the dark which means we can now start to write our non-chronological report about owls. We have had a practice run this week by writing a non-chronological report about cats which enabled us to learn all the features a report has. In SPaG we have been looking at different spelling rules and applying this to our writing.
In maths we have continued to develop our time knowledge and our multiplication work with 2s, 5s and 10s has now come to an end. We will start with our division unit next week.
World book day was a brilliant day at Horn’s Mill, everyone made a tremendous effort and all the children looked fabulous. We are now creating our book review portfolio that we can hopefully use for the rest of primary school. This would entail children writing reviews about books they have read, regardless if they enjoyed them or not.
Thank you for replying so promptly with your parents evening slips. I just have a few more to collect in then on Thursday next week I will send your reply slip with the appointment time. I will also text these individually too.
Have a great weekend!
Mr Oldfield