Week 26 - 22.03.19
Date: 29th Mar 2019 @ 1:01pm
What a cracker!
This week the children have worked super hard especially in maths. We have been breaking down word problems to; what do we know and what is it asking us to do. The children have enjoyed exploring and unpicking these word problems and have made great progress in developing the skills required to answer such problems. We have also looked at odd and even numbers 1,3,5,7 & 9 – 0,2,4,6 & 8 please test your child for accuracy. Furthermore, in maths we have been developing our 2D shape knowledge looking at the names of shapes, how many sides each one has and the number of vertices each shape has too.
In SPaG, we have been testing our common exception words spellings as well as looking at using apostrophes for possession. There are 64 Year 2 common exception words that the children are expected to be able to spell by the end of the year. They are readily available online and are part of the spelling that I send home with the home learning challenges.
Next week is the end of our dance topic and the children have worked tremendously hard learning and perfecting their dance routine to Boom Boom Boom!
Have a great and safe weekend!
Mr Oldfield