Week 8 - 26.10.18
Date: 5th Nov 2018 @ 2:45pm
What a brilliant first half term we have had in Team 2, the children have all settled into their new class really well. I am very proud and impressed with the ready to work attitude the children come to school with each day, this sets them up for a great day of fun learning. A particular high point this half term is the children’s Art work which is incredible and soon to be displayed in the school hall. As mentioned in other blog posts, the children’s home reading has seen a real boost and this is having such a wonderful impact within the classroom. Please continue this throughout the school year. The Home Learning was outstanding and the children really enjoyed celebrating this with the rest of the school, thank you so much for your continued commitment.
I know after the half term break the children are really looking forward to designing and building their planes, like the Wright Brother did back in 1903. We are going to be conducting lots of investigations involving materials this will help us when we are designing our planes. In English we are going to base our learning on the book ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ by Jill Thompson. Please do not read this to your child until we have finished as I would really like to see the children’s imaginative predictions and in maths we will be starting with fact families to 20.
It was an absolute pleasure to see/meet everyone at parents evening this reinforces the brilliant support you continue to give. If at any point you need a chat, please feel free to pop in before/after school I will always make time to speak to you.
Have a wonderful half term break and remember to relax a little the children have all worked super hard and I am delighted with every single child of Team 2 the half term!
I am looking forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 6th November.
Mr Oldfield