Week beginning 25th March

Date: 2nd Mar 2018 @ 3:07pm

Science Week!

Each day something new and exciting has been happening either in within the school or Team 3 itself. It started with our Mad Scientist who told us how much fun science can be but how we also need to keep ourselves safe.  

Team 3 have continued with our Light topic, looking at materials which are reflective as well as learning about how the sun can damage our eyes if we look at it-not that we saw much of the sun this week!

In English we learnt about the Nile crocodile writing fact files and poetry examples. The children generated so many great ideas.

World Book Day saw so many amazing costumes on show. Not easy considering we were swimming but we all managed to get through the day in one piece. 

Keep practicing your times tables because we have started our new topic of multiplication and division.