What an amazing week of writing in Team 1!
Date: 11th Oct 2015 @ 2:48pm
What another fabulous week we have in Team 1! Miss Steen and Mrs Lewis have just been blown away with the level of absolutly amazing writing which has taken place in Team 1, as we have been writing our innovated version of the story 'The Three Little Pigs' in our English lessons. Miss Steen is just so proud of the amount of effort and enthusiasm all the children have for their writing and can't wait to see how well they progress throughout the year.
In Maths we have been looking at addition all week, learning how to add different numbers together using a number of resources such as number lines, multi-link, counters and balls to help us.
In the afternoon we have been continuing our topic lessons on Toys and this week we have been looking at different toys children used to play with in the victorian era. We have also been practising our song 'Harvest Samba' for our Harvest festival on Monday.
Enjoy what's left of the weekend and see you tomorrow.
Miss Steen