Team 1: Blog items
Team 1 - WB 12.9.16 , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Our first week back at school!, by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Sports event and transition day., by Miss Steen
Team 1 - invention, measuring and portrait drawing. , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Innovation, time and story creation!, by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Recounts, Capacity and Sports Day practice! , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Fantasy stories, fractions and tomatoes. , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Story writing, number bonds and tomato planting. , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Innovation, weighing and daily mile., by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Fantasy stories, halving and phonics!, by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Doubling, List Poems and Horn's Mill's Got Talent!, by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Instructions, Time and The Daily Mile. , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Directions, making bread and mini-kickers!, by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Fairtrade, problem solving and seasonal changes. , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Innovation, Mini-Kickers and World Book Day!, by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Maps, Journey Stories and Singing. , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Handwriting, Clever Conduct and Little Red Hen. , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Diary entries, multiplication and the 5 senses. , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Writing, writing and more writing! , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Rainbow Fish, measuring and science investigations. , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - Fish from under the sea, nativity singing and onesies!! , by Miss Steen
Team 1 - A week packed full of new learning , by Miss Steen