Team 1 - Story writing, number bonds and tomato planting.

Date: 5th May 2016 @ 7:48pm

What a lovely 4 day week in school and the start (fingers crossed) of some wonderful sunny weather!smiley

In English, we have been writing our innovated fantasy stories,which we innovated on our own story maps last week. There has been some beautiful story writing, full of lots of great describing words.

In maths we have revisited number bonds and practised making bonds to 10 and 20 using lots of different practical resources. We then used these number bonds to solve missing box questions and complete a class investigation in the woodlands. 

During our afternoon learning, we have continued with our extra speed sounds and reading practice aswell as our handwriting. We have also continued our learning on our new science topic 'plants'. We had an afternoon out in the sunny woodlands, where we identified different types of plants and trees and then planted our own tomato plants and flowers which we are going to watch grow over the summer term. Our helping hand has a new job everyday to water them!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss Steen