Team 1 wb 11.10.21

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 4:11pm

It has been another busy week in Team 1!

In maths, we made the ‘less than’ <, ‘more than’ >, and ‘equal to’ = symbols out of sticks in the woodlands. Then we used our symbols to write compare numbers. The children loved their outdoor learning, and did a super job knowing the value of numbers.

In English we have writing about animals this week, linked to our text ‘Lost and Found’. We had a focus on writing many of the ‘tricky’ words which we cannot sound out as normal.

In our independent learning time we have been using our maths knowledge to compare numbers, writing some lovely descriptive sentences about autumn, shooting tricky words with water guns, and making some rather smart-looking scarecrows in our DT workshop.

In PE we played some relay games this week to get our hearts pumping and stretch our ‘turn-taking’ muscles.

We also learned about ‘personal space’ this week, and how we are each comfortable with different amounts of space. We also met ‘pantosaurus’ who taught us about our private parts being private, and that if we have a secret which makes us feel upset that we should tell an adult we trust. Here is a link to the song which the children have enjoyed singing this week (WARNING! It is a catchy tune and may get stuck in your head):

We met our Team 6 buddies in the woodlands for some Mouse Mania fun on Friday. It is lovely to see the older children setting a great example for Team 1, and to see friendships forming.

Thank you all for attending our parents’ evenings via Zoom this week, it was lovely to see you (even if not in person). Please do not forget that our communication does not only happen at these appointments, so if you ever have a question, worry, or comment, please feel free to email or catch me at the end of the day.

Have a wonderful weekend, Team 1!


Mrs Weeks, Mrs Butters & Miss Evans.